
Monday, June 18, 2012

Citrus Lane June 2012 Box Review and 50% Off Your First Box!!!

Well, its that time again!  Yep!  You guessed it!  Its my monthly Citrus Lane  box review!  WhooHoo!!  Its always such an exiting day when our Citrus Lane box arrives!  I'm sure our poor mail lady feels like she's being stalked!  LOL! 


Anyway, June's theme was "Little Artists" and, as usual, Citrus Lane DID NOT disappoint!!!  This box was full of stuff to get your little one's artistic juices going - and even an item to "clean up those juices."  Haha!  :)  So, without further ado, here we go!

To help my little one "get musical," we received this ADORABLE Puppy Slide Whistle by Hohner Kids.  This little whistle is seriously cute!  You blow into the puppy's mouth and pull his tail in and out to change the sound.  Their website states that this little whistle will help kids with their gross and fine motor skills!  Plus, its just sinkin' fun!  (Whistle costs $10.00.)

Checking out this sliding tail ;)

Well, you can't have a musical instrument without a tune to play it to, so the awesome folks at Citrus Lane have included this AMAZING sampler CD by Putumayo Kids!  What I love about this CD is that its a sampling of 8 of their children's CDs - so you can listen to the songs and possibly pick a few CDs to buy!  And I think we just might!  This CD has ALL SORTS of music in many different languages!  As soon as I turned it on, my little one started dancing! - And so did I!  (The music is VERY WELL DONE and enjoyable for adults as well as children!  (This sample CD costs $5.00.)

You can't do a "little artist"-themed box without putting something in there for the little ones to "get their hands into," so they sent this AWESOME art kit by Eco-Kids!!!  The set includes...

1 Jar of Eco-Dough

Their dough is handmade with natural and organic fruit, plant and vegetable extracts from annatto seed, beets, blueberries, carrots, paprika, purple sweet potato, red cabbage and spinach, flour, salt, cream of tartar, organic rosemary oil, vitamin E oil, soybean oil, coconut oil, potassium sorbate and citric acid.  Oh!  And its also available in gluten-free!  (No worries about your kids eating it - even if they're on a gluten-free diet!  WooHoo!)

2 packages of Eco-Paint

Again, this paint is handmade with natural and organic fruit, plant and vegetable extracts from annatto seed, beets, carrots, curcumin, purple sweet potato, red cabbage and spinach, flour, cornstarch, wheat paste and earth clay.  Its also in powder form, so you just mix a little of the powder with water and voila!  Finger paint!  And you can store the rest of the powder for later use!  Once again, its also available in gluten-free powder!  (This set costs $12.00.)

No need to worry about the clean-up after using the finger paints!  Citrus Lane has included a bottle of BabyGanics "Stain, Stain, Go Away"!  This is an awesome little bottle of "stain eraser." But, best of all, it has: No Parabens, No Sulfates, No Phthalates, No Toxins!!!  Yay!!!! I'm ALL FOR safe cleaning products!!! (This bottle costs $3.99.)

In case your little one likes to "put things together," they also included a sample of Magical Menagerie from Chronicle Books.  This is a simple little project, to do with your child, that doesn't require any scissors or glue!  We had to put it together RIGHT AWAY!  :)

Isn't it cute!

And lastly, but DEFINITELY not least, they included a giftcard to for $35!!!  WhooHoo! 

And yep!  You guessed it!  I've already used mine!  :)  I bought 2 journals - one for me...

Scrumptious Journals

& one for the hubby! 

Music Notes Journals

Once again, the value of this box is pretty great!  You pay $25 (including shipping!) - and this box has $65.90 worth of items in it (counting the giftcard).  This was such a fun theme for June!  I think tomorrow my little one and I will "get artistic!"  :)
You can receive monthly surprises for your kids as well!!! Just use this REFERRAL LINK to get 50% off your first box!
Check out all of my previous Citrus Lane reviews HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love Citrus Lane! I finally did a review on their August box! Check it out!
