
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Green Toys Review

Have you heard about Green Toys?  I just recently learned about their company (when my little one received one of their toys in her latest Citrus Lane box) and I fell madly in love!!!  So let me tell you a little bit about them.  Green Toys is a company that makes toys that are fun, safe, and environmentally friendly.  In fact, their toys are made from recycled milk jugs! 

That's right!  When you recycle your plastic milk jugs, this is one place they might go!  How cool is that!

As I mentioned at the beginning of this review, my little one received a Green Toys product in her May Citrus Lane box - the Green Toys Sand Play Set... 

I was BLOWN AWAY by the quality of this set!!!  I have never seen a sand/beach play set that was as sturdy and well-made as this one!  SERIOUSLY!!!  Even my husband was amazed!!!  And my little one has had SOOO much fun with it - even in the house!!!!  She just loves carrying it around and putting the items into the pail.  (And how awesome is the rope handle!!! - So much better than those cheap plastic straps that break in five seconds!)

The Sand Play Set was so thick, sturdy, well-made, and ADORABLE, that I went online to check out their other products!  It turns out they also have a line of baby and toddler dining items called Green Eats!!!  Once again, these items are made from milk jugs!!!  I ordered a set of Green Eats Snack Bowls for my little one...

Again, these bowls are so well-made and sturdy!  Now, these are their "snack bowls," so they are smaller than the average toddler bowl, but we love them!!! -

These bowls have so many uses!  Use them to feed your infant cereal, baby food, etc.  Let your toddler use them for snacks (like raisins, goldfish, fruit, veggies), ice cream, soup, etc.  And then, when your child is older, they (and the adults!) can use these bowls for dipping sauces!  So these bowls grow with your child!  I LOVE products that do that!!!

If you'd like to learn more about Green Toys and all of their awesome products, you can do so HERE.
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I purchased the products mentioned above.  I did not receive any items from Green Toys free of charge for review.  All opinions are my own.

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