
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Malibu C Hard Water Wellness Haircare Kit Review

I was recently offered the opportunity to review a few products from Malibu C.  When they contacted me, the first things they asked were: 1.) What was my hair like? and 2.) Where do I live?  Now, they needed my address to send me the products, so I really didn’t give that second question much thought.  Then, the next day, I received an email stating that they had done some research on the town that I live in and discovered that it has a hard water problem.  I was blown away!  Seriously!  They took the time to investigate and make sure that I received the products that were right for me!  How cool is that!!!  So they sent me their Hard Water Wellness Kit (which includes shampoo, conditioner, and hard water natural wellness treatment) and several packages of their Miracle Repair.

When the products arrived, I couldn’t wait to try them, so I hopped into the shower!  Now, I was very skeptical.  You see, my hair is very unmanageable.  It goes just past my shoulders and is curly.  It tangles SUPER easily!  In fact, whenever I finish shampooing, I can't even run my fingers through  it to apply the conditioner!  And then, conditioner either doesn’t work well and my hair is still tangled, or it gets the tangles out but leaves my hair looking flat and greasy.  Ugh!  I’ve tried TONS of different shampoos and conditioners – from common store brands to pricy salon brands.  Nothing seems to really work. – Until now!

To begin with, I used the shampoo from the Hard Water Wellness Kit – fully expecting my hair to become a complete tangeled mess, like usual.  But not this time!  I could actually run my fingers through my hair!!! – BEFORE applying any sort of conditioner!  WHAT!?!  But it didn’t feel greasy – just “squeaky” clean!  It turns out that this shampoo and conditioner detoxes your hair of the hard water minerals that build up in it!  I had NO IDEA that there were nasty hard water minerals clinging to my hair!  And this treatment also helps prevent more water deposits building up in your hair.  AND, this shampoo and conditioner are free of sulfates, parabens, propylene glycol, DEA, sulfates, gluten and added salt!  AWESOME!
Since this was my first time using the kit, and my hair was quite damaged, I decided to use one of the Hard Water Natural Wellness Treatment packets.  (The packets are recommended for use once a week, but are gentle enough for everyday use!) These little packets are pretty cool.  They contain little crystals that you pour into the palm of your hand and then mix with a little water to activate.  When you apply the mixture to your hair, it lathers very well!  But best of all, this treatment naturally draws out mineral buildup that turns hair brassy, dry and dull.  And it also removes discoloration caused by iron or copper, restores vibrant shine, moisture and manageability to your hair, and  soothes dry, flaky scalp by eliminating calcium and lime deposits!  I mean, this little packet does it all!!!

After washing and rinsing out the crystals, I shampooed and rinsed again.  (That’s what the instructions state – to make sure your hair gets really clean!)  Then I used one of the Miracle Repair packets (in place of the normal conditioner).  This is a deep conditioning treatment that you can use once a week (similar to a salon treatment).  It repairs damaged hair, detangles it, and makes it more manageable, shinier, softer, bouncier and full of body!  And because its enriched with pro vitamin B5, it helps replenish vital moisture to hair!

OK, so I'm sure you are dying to hear my thoughts.  Well, I LOVE LOVE LOVE these products!!!  OH MY WORD!!!!  I think I may have found the ideal haircare!!!  I could not believe how manageable my hair was!  And tangle-free!!!  I was in heaven!!!  And my hair was shiny and had more body too!  But my favorite part - the softness!  My hair was seriously soft after I used these products!!!  I mean SERIOUSLY SOFT!!!  I couldn't stop running my fingers through it!  I made my husband run his fingers through it!  I was AMAZED!  In short, as soon as my products run out, I will be ordering more!!!  I also plan on checking out some of their other products.  (They have skincare too!)  If all of their products are as good as their Hard Water Wellness Kit and Miracle Repair, then they are gonna be getting A LOT of my business!!!  :)

If you'd like to check out Malibu C (and all of their haircare and skincare products) for yourself, you can do so HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.


  1. Thanks for the stellar review of our Malibu C Hard Water Wellness Kit and Miracle Repair!

    Be well,

    The Malibu C Team

  2. I'm going to have to look into this product! People would go nuts for it here since our water is so hard. :(

  3. Thanks for the very informative review, I can hardly wait to purchase this product for ny brassy, tangled, damaged looking wellwater hair!!
