
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Fairytale Books Personalized Children's Book Review & PROMO CODE

Have you heard of  They sell personalized children's books, CDs, DVDs and other gift items.  What an AWESOME idea!!!  The folks at My Fairytale Books were kind enough to send my little one a personalized book to review!

For this review, I picked their "Let Us Thank God" book...

The information requested for personalization was pretty extensive.  That was AWESOME, because it meant the book would REALLY be personal - not just my little one's name.  For this book, they requested my little one's name, the names of 3 friends/relatives, her age, pet's name, hometown, state, and who the book is from.  Then I got to put a dedication of up to 75 letters in it!  How cool is that!!!

Each page discusses something we should thank God for (sight, hearing, touch, our families and friends, nature, our pets, etc.)  The page above states: "The first gift God gave you was life. You were a gift of God to your parents... Because there is life, let us thank God."  What an incredible message!!!  I'm not kidding when I say that I cried while reading this book!  It is that sweet!!!

Its also filled with lots of fun, colorful illustrations!  How cute are all these animals!!!  Any child would be mezmerized by this book!!!

As I mentioned before, there is A LOT of personalization in this book!  I LOVE that they even include your child's pet!  The above picture is the page that talks about pets.  At the end, it says, "Because we have Missy, let us thank God."  How sweet!!!

I am THOROUGHLY pleased and impressed with this book!!!  It is ADORABLE!  Its a sturdy hard-back book.  Its also colorful, sweet, and full of my child's name and personal info!  Best of all, these books don't cost an arm and a leg!!!  "Let Us Thank God" is priced at $11.95!!!  This book (or any of their other books) would make a GREAT gift for that special child in your life!

If you'd like to check out all of My Fairytale Books' personalized items, you can do so HERE.
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The AWESOME folks at My Fairytale Books were kind enough to offer my readers a discount code!  Use promo code BLOGGER2012 at checkout to receive 10% off your order!  (Code expires 12/13/2012.)

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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