
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Apples And Nanas Etsy Shop Review

Once again, I have another great Etsy Shop to share with you today!  This time its Apples And Nanas Etsy Shop!  Apples And Nanas sells some adorable handmade bibs, burp cloths, and hooded towels, and they were kind enough to send me some items for review!  The first item I received was this ADORABLE hooded towel...

I can remember when my first little one was born.  I registered for a lot of those adorable baby towels.  They were perfect - so I thought.  But you know what - they are SUPER THIN.  I usually had to use 2 just to get my baby dry.  And then, of course, as my baby grew into a toddler, those towels just weren't big enough.  This hooded towel is perfect! And I love that it comes with a matching wash cloth!  How cute!

I also received this lovely bib and burp cloth set...

I love that this set is vibrant and lively!  Its not your typical baby pink (which can get tiresome after a while).  So cute and so functional!  These bib and burp cloth sets make great baby shower gifts too!

And just to be sweet, the owner of this shop also sent my little ones a couple of shirts...


The frog on is for my little one and the owl one is for my toddler.  My toddler has already worn the owl shirt several times and LOVES it!  And I love it too!  Its so adorable!  Both shirts are!!!  There's definitely lots of great stuff to choose from at Apples and Nanas!!!  :)

Check out all of Apples And Nanas products on Etsy HERE.
"Like" Apples And Nanas Boutique on Facebook HERE.

"Like" The Proverbs31 Mama on Facebook HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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