
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

K&S Specialties Etsy Shop Review

I have such a hard time finding good towels for my toddler.  I could just use regular towels, but at her age, a hooded towel is still really helpful.  Unfortunately, most hooded towels are too small (made for babies, not toddlers) and very thin (which means not very absorbant).  Thankfully, I recently found K&S Specialties Etsy Shop!  They were kind enough to send me one of their hooded towels for review...

This towel is so cute!!!  The color is so rich and lovely!  And the ladybug ribbon just goes perfectly with it!!!  And I love that the towel is like a regular towel thickness-wise!  Its not your typical, thin hooded towel!  Woohoo!  That makes it sooooo much easier to get my toddler dry!  And now I don't have to use 2 or 3 towels just for one bath!  WooHoo!!!!!

They were also kind enough to embroider my toddler's monogram on the back!  How awesome is that!  What a great gift!!!  My toddler is about to become a big sister and so she's gonna have to share A LOT of things.  So its really nice to give her a few things that I can tell her belong ONLY to her - to make her feel like she is still unique and important! 

This would make a great bab shower, birthday, or Christmas gift too!  (Or how about a lovely spring-colored towel as part of your little one's Easter basket?!?) 

Check out K&S Specialties' fabulous hooded towels on Etsy HERE.
"Like" K&S Specialites on Facebook HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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