
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Blue Ribbon Baking from a Redneck Kitchen" Book Review

Woohoo!  Another cookbook review!  If you read my blog, you know I LOVE cooking and baking and I LOVE cookbooks!!!  In fact, I have a collection that's, well, sort of getting out of control.  But I was thrilled to add "Blue Ribbon Baking from a Redneck Kitchen," by Francine Bryson to my collection!

There are so many things to love about this book!  First of all, she comes from my "neck of the woods!"  Secondly, the recipes just sound delicious!  I'm already making note of the recipes I want to try first!  (Like Purdy's Peppermint Pie, Winter Fruit Pie, and Upside-Down Apple Pecan Pie.)  I love that each recipe comes with a little paragraph about how she came up with the recipe, where the recipe came from, why the recipe is so delicious, etc.  I really enjoy reading "inside info" like that!  Oh, and if you're a cheesecake fan, there's an ENTIRE section of cheesecake recipes!!! (TWELVE different cheesecake recipes!!!)

My one little complaint would be that there aren't enough pictures in this cookbook.  One of my favorite things about great cookbooks is the incredible photos.  It makes it easy to skim the book and find a recipe you want to try.  (After all, who can resist a recipe once you've seen how good the finished product looks?)  This cookbook has some delicious-looking photographs (like the one pictured below), but there just aren't enough.  I'd love to see more!  Other than that, I'd say this is a great cookbook!

I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.

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