
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"30 Days in 1 Corinthians 13" Book Review

I thought "30 Days in 1 Corinthians 13, by Pam Forster, would be an "interesting" study.  Boy was I wrong!!!!  Its far more than that!  Its incredible!!!  I will admit that I did not take 30 days to read and work through this book.  I took 6.  Why?  It was just too good to put down!

What made this study incredible was the simple, straightforward, easy-to-follow outline she put forth for studying the Word.  Being a homeschooling mom really influenced her writing of this book.  She has you circling words, underlining passages, making charts, etc.  But this really helped me pull the meat out of this chapter.

Here's a quote from Mrs. Forster that really spoke to me:
"Jesus loved us!  Stop and really think about this!  We hear this all the time, but do we stop to think about what it means?  He loved us enough to humble Himself and become a man and live among those He had created.  He loved us enough to give up the glories of heaven to live in hardship and trials.  He loved us enough to live a life of humble service and self-denial.  He loved us enough to die on the cross instead of calling down the legions of angels that could have delivered Him and avenged the injustice He suffered.  He loves us.  He loves us as He sits at His Father's right hand interceding for us.  He loves us as He reigns, victor over sin and death.  He loves us as He empowers us, through the Holy Spirit, to live lives of victory and obedience.  We are 'more than conquerors through him who loved us'. (Romans 8:37)  He loves us, and nothing will ever separate us from that love.  When we believe this, when we really start to come to grips with what Jesus has done and is doing for us, we will be ready to love.  We'll love Him, and that love will spill out onto everyone around us."
Mrs. Forster also introduced me to - which is the website she uses for online study.  I've used concordances and commentaries in the past.  I've even used websites such as this one that contain TONS of Bible versions and helps.  But Mrs. Forster walks you through each day, telling you where to go and how to get to certain helps.  It made it SO EASY to dig deep!

Another amazing feature of this Bible study is that each day is set up to take 5-15 minutes of basic study.  She developed it this way for the busy mom that struggles with finding time for God's word.  However, you can easily continue digging and spend more time if you wish!  Also, this is not just a Bible study for mom! At the end of every "day" in the study she has a section called "For Your Children" that has helpful activities and lessons for teaching your kids what you been learning - but on their level!  Its amazing!!!!  She's made an incredible, Bible study for moms and kids alike!  I was just AMAZED at how user-friendly this study is!  Mrs. Forster has 2 other similar studies - "30 Days in Psalm 37" and "30 Days in Colossians 3" - that I now want to add to my library!  I definitely recommend this book - for busy moms, single ladies, teenage girls, older saints, and anyone in between!  Dive in!  You won't be sorry!!!!!

I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from BookCrash in return for my honest review.

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