
Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Your Family In Pictures" Book Review

When my first child was born I purchased a good DSLR so that I could take beautiful pictures of her.  While my pictures did improve, I learned something.  You need more than a good camera to take good pics.  You need to know how to use it.  So I spent hours, days, weeks studying online, from books etc.  I learned quite a bit, but a lot of it was overwhelming.  After all, I didn't want to be a "professional photographer."  I just wanted my pictures to be beautiful.  That's why I was thrilled at the opportunity to review "Your Family in Pictures," by Me Ra Koh!

What I enjoy about this book is its simplicity.  This book is full of basics to help you: find the best light, get your family in "the mood" to take photos, know when to convert to black and white, etc. She also discusses how to play with color, texture, backgrounds, etc. and when to shoot in black and white. She's got sections on Everyday Life, Family Portraits, Tweens & Teens, and Family Vacations & Travel to help give you ideas on how to capture specific moments.  One of my favorite sections is her section on Holidays!  She gives suggestions for several different holidays (including Valentine's Day, Easter, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.).  For each holiday she gives suggestions on the time of day to take pictures, what composition is best, possible settings for your DSLR (that work with the lighting of that particular event), and more!  Its very helpful info!  And I love that its all in that section, so that a few days before Thanksgiving you can look up the Thanksgiving page and make a plan and be prepared!  This book is definitely going to be handy to have around and I have a feeling I'll be going back to it over and over for helpful hints!  :)

I received a copy of this book from Blogging For Books in exchange for my honest review.

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