
Sunday, October 26, 2014

"New Morning Mercies" Ebook Review

I love devotionals.  Sometimes I read a ton in one day.  There are times when I delve into a deep, complicated study.  But, there are times when I just don't have that kind of time.  Let's face it.  I'm the mother of two (soon to be three) small children and sometimes its all I can do to keep my head above water!  Haha!  "New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional" by Paul David Tripp is a great devotional for when you are short on time but still want to read something powerful each day.

Each devotional is just a few Kindle pages long.  (It takes probably 2-4 minutes to read each day.)  And each day's reading is followed by a suggested Scripture reading.  For example, today's (October 26) study was on "justification."  It began with this quote:
"God justifies the ungodly. This means there really is hope for people like us."  
What a great way to start the morning!  Especially when dealing with 2 small children!  I often feel "unworthy" when I lose my cool with my kids or become frustrated.  Today's reading was all about how Mr. Tripp often feels the same. For example, he says,
"I wish I could say that all my responses to the people in my life are motivated by love for God and for them, but they're not."  
Bam!  Exactly! He ends the reading with:
"So I am so very thankful that justifying grace ensures that I will forever be accepted as one of his righteous ones, even though I still don't measure up. Yes, today I have reason again to be thankful for justifying grace."
This devotional is a great little reading for each morning.

I received a copy of this e-book, free of charge, from Beyond The Page, in exchange for my honest review.

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