Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Flash 10 Card Game Review

I'm not usually a fan of speed-type games.  They're just too anxiety-causing for me. Haha!  But one game that I love and that my kids love is Dutch Blitz!  It's a speed game that's like solitaire in a group.  Everyone is grabbing cards and trying to finish first. It’s fast, it's fun, and it never seems to make me anxious. Well, thanks to the kind folks at Devir, I've found another speed game that is right up there with Dutch Blitz in my family's estimation - Flash 10!

Flash 10 plays 2-5 players and takes approximately 20 minutes. In Flash 10, each player has a line of 10 cards. There are no turns. Everyone is grabbing and playing cards at the same time and you're trying to be the first player to get all your cards in numerical order from left to right. The game ends when a player succeeds in getting all 10 of their cards in order. That player wins!  If the card deck runs out before anyone accomplishes the task, then each player counts their cards in ascending order from left to right and they get a point for each card. Cards with flash symbols on them are with two points. The person with the highest score wins.

What we loved about the game:

1.) The frenetic play! - Although this is a speed game, it's not a "stressful" game. You're simply placing cards in numerical order, so the game doesn't seem to give me the anxiety that a lot of other speed games do.  It’s just good fun!

2.) The player count! - This game plays 2 to 5 players, which means my two youngest can play by themselves if they want, or our entire family can play together!

3.) The minimum player age! - The box says ages 8 and up, but if your child can put cards in numerical order - and if they don't mind the frenetic pace - they can play! This game could easily be played with a 6-year-old and it would be great numeracy practice!

4.) The portability! - Although you will need a large enough play area for each player to spread out 10 cards, the box is small, which means you can grab it and take it anywhere!  This would be a great game to take on vacation or on a trip to visit family!

5.) The learning curve! - This game is really easy to learn and really easy to teach.  It has very few rules. This means it's a great game to introduce to new players, making it fabulous on a family vacation or a friendly game night!

If you're a fan or speed games; if you love family card games; or if you already love games like Dutch Blitz, this may be the game for you!

I received this game, free of charge from Devir, in exchange for my honest review

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