
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Brenda's Perfect Brittle - Second Review

You may remember my previous review of Brenda's Perfect Brittle.  As I mentioned before, this stuff is AWESOME!!!  Well, the incredible folks at Brenda's Perfect Brittle sent me another box full of brittle to review!  And this box was just as awesome as the first one!

So let's look at the ones I received this time...
Just like Brenda's Peanut Brittle, this one is yummy, but not too sweet!  Delish!

If you like a little spice, this brittle is for you!  Not too hot, but has a good kick!  :)

If you LOVE spicy foods (like me) this brittle is for you!  This one is HOT, so be careful! YUM!

A little bit spicy, a little bit sweet!  This is a great snack for someone who likes that combo!

Um, this is SO cool!!!  This brittle has pine nuts.  PINE NUTS!!!  I've never had a brittle with pine nuts in it before!  Genius!

Oh my word!  As if it couldn't get any better, Brenda has taken her Spicy But Sweet Almond Brittle and covered in CHOCOLATE!!!  YES!!!!  I LOVE this stuff!  One is covered in dark chocolate and one is covered in white chocolate.  And they are both SOOO good!  In fact, I just got finished eating one!  - I may go have another.  ;)

If you'd like to check out all of Brenda's fabulous brittles, you can do HERE.
"Like" Brenda's Perfect Brittle on Facebook HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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