
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Real Kid Shades Review

Did you know that your child's eyes are at increased risk of permanent eye damage until the age of 10?  Did you know that the sun exposure your child's eyes are receiving now could lead to cataracts, macular degeneration, Pterygia, skin cancer around the eyes, and Photokeratitis (sunburn of the corneas)!  I didn't know any of those things until I began doing some research for this review!  As moms, we are SO careful to protect our babies and infants from sun damage.  We put sunscreen on them, long sleeves, sun hats - but we often completely ignore one of the body parts that is most vulnerable to sun damage - the eyes!

And its not enough to buy those cute little sunglasses that they sell in clothing stores.  Most of the time, those glasses provide no protection at all!  (And I've bought those glasses for my little one in the past.  She immediately ripped them off and nearly poked her eye out with them!)  But I've got good news for all you moms and dads out there!  There is a safe, easy, and CUTE way to protect your little one's eyes from sun damage! - Real Kids Shades!!!   I am SO impressed with this company!  They are seriously concerned with protecting little eyes!  And they've developed some of the best little sunglasses that I have EVER SEEN!!! 

The awesome folks at Real Kids Shades were kind enough to send me 3 different sizes of sunglasses to review!  The first pair we received was a set of their Xtreme Elements Shades...

These sunglasses are made for children from 0 to 36 months, so you can begin at the very beginning protecting your little one's eyes! (And think about it, if you start with your newborn, they will get used to sunglasses and will be less likely to fight you when you try to make them where them as a toddler!) 

See how securely they fit on my little' one's head...
There are no ear pieces with these glasses (only an adjustable velcro loop to keep the glasses in place) - so no worrying about them snatching the glasses off and poking themselves in the eye! The lenses are made from shatter-proof, impact resistant polycarbonate to further protect your little one from accidents! 
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE this part!!!  They have actually put foam cushioning on the backs of the lenses to that they will be SUPER comfortable and fit well on even your littlest angel's eyes!!!  (Oh, and because the velcro headband is made from neoprene, it will actually make the glasses float!  So, if they happen to slip off (or your child takes them off) while playing in the pool or the ocean, NO PROMBLEM!  How awesome is that!!!

See how cushioned and comfortable they are!

The second pair of glasses we received was a set of their My First Shades...

These shades are made for children 2-5 years old.  Again, there are no ear pieces to worry about getting poked into little eyes - only the adjustable neoprene headband!  So again, that means they float!  Yippee!  (Because, let's get serious, its the 2-3 year old that's most likely to rip them off and toss them in the water!  LOL!)  These lenses are also shatter-proof and impact resistant.  But the best part about these glasses is that the frames can be fit with presecription lenses!!!  The frames are also "wrap-around" frames, which means they protect your little one from even that nasty "peripheral light" that can cause eye damage!!!

The last pair we received was a set of their Flex Shades...

These glasses are made for older children (3-7 years old, to be exact) so they do have ear pieces.  (But if that's something that still concerns you, they also have glasses for this age range that have the velcro band!)  These sunglasses are more like traditional glasses, but the folks at RKS haven't forgotten that they are still for little kids!  Nope!  They made these rubberized frames to withstand little hands pulling and bending them! 

And, just in case your little one wants to wear these in the pool, or while riding their bike, or doing any other activity where they might fly off, the folks at RKS have included a neoprene strap with these as well!  It fits very tightly over the back of the ear pieces to keep these glasses securely in place!

I loved every pair of sunglasses that my little one received!  Now she'll be protected for years to come!  And I'll never again forget the importance of protecting her eyes from the sun, just like I protect her skin!  Each pair of Real Kids Shades provides 100% UVA and UVB protection for your little one!  That's right!  I said ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!!!  You can't beat that!!! 

Now that you've seen how IMPORTANT it is to protect your little one's eyes from the sun, you can head on over to and check them out for yourself!
"Like" Real Kids Shades on Facebook HERE.
Join Real Kids Shades on Twitter HERE.
Read Real Kids Shades' Blog HERE.  (It has lots of great info for protecting your little one's eyes!)

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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