
Friday, June 8, 2012

Ecover Cleaning Products Review

Have you heard about Ecover?  Its a company that makes some INCREDIBLE cleaning products.  So what makes these products so incredible? - They use plant-based and mineral ingredients!  (Their motto is "Powered By Nature.")

Ecover makes all sorts of cleaning products - from dishwashing aids to household cleaners and laundry detergents  to hand soaps.  They even make car and boat washes and wax!

The awesome folks at Ecover were kind enough to send me several products to review:

The first product I received was their Automatic Dishwasher Tablets ...

The tablets are phosphate-free, which is awesome!  But Ecover hasn't just considered what they put into their products.  They've also taken very seriously how they package their products.  The box is made from 95% recycled cardboard and the plastic wrappers are 100% recyclable!  I think that's awesome!

Personal benefits:
  • cleans and degreases effectively
  • easy dosing
  • hygienic, efficient and safe
  • no residue
  • subtle citrus scent

Environmental benefits:
  • plant based ingredients
  • phosphate free
  • quick and complete biodegradability
  • minimum impact on aquatic life
  • not tested on animals
  • safe for septic tanks 

The second product I received was their Stain Remover ...

I love this little bottle!  Instead of a spray nozzle - which I'm not a big fan of because, inevitably there's cleaner left in the bottle that the sprayer won't reach - this bottle comes with a brush on top!  I love it!  Just turn the bottle upside down, squeeze the stain remover, and brush it into the stain!  AWESOME! 

Personal benefits:
  • for white and colorfast laundry
  • very effective in removing grass, mud, blood and all other obstinate grease and protein stains
  • includes handy and efficient brush
  • perfect for collars and sleeves

Environmental benefits:
  • plant based ingredients
  • quick and complete biodegradability
  • minimum impact on aquatic life
  • not tested on animals
  • septic tank safe

Again, the packaging is made from 100% recyclable plastic.

The last product I received was their Lavender & Aloe Vera Hand Soap...

This soap has a really nice, clean scent.  But its not overpowering, which is great!  It smells very natural.  And I love that it contains aloe vera, which is very gentle on skin!

Personal benefits:
  • gently cleans with plant based ingredients
  • suitable for sensitive skin
  • contains aloe vera and is PH neutral
  • refreshing lavender scent
Environmental benefits:
  • optimum level of biodegradability
  • minimum impact on aquatic life
  • not tested on animals
  • suitable for septic tanks

Again, the packaging is 100% recyclable!

If you'd like to check out Ecover for yourself, you can do so HERE.
"Like" Ecover on Facebook HERE.
Join Ecover on Twitter HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for trying and reviewing all 3 Ecover products! We're so glad you appreciate the sustainable packaging as well as the effectiveness of the products. It sounds like the Stain Remover will become a "go to" cleaner in your home! Thank you again for sharing your thoughts about Ecover's ecological products, and have a great weekend!
    -Deb for Ecover
