
Friday, June 8, 2012

Sleep Buddy Review

My little one just recently transitioned from a crib to a toddler bed.  That's always a tough transition.  All at once, your little one receives a great amount of freedom.  That can be very tempting - and also very scary - for a toddler.

The folks at Sleep Buddy have come up with an awesome way to help with this transition!  The Sleep Buddy is a night light for your little one.  But its no ordinary night light.  This little gem has a built-in timer.  You set it to turn on during your little one's nap time AND their bedtime. 

The light automatically shuts off when its OK for your little one to get out of bed!  What an AWESOME concept!!!

When you buy a Sleep Buddy, you also get this cute little book a read to your child.  It explains what the Sleep Buddy is and how it works...

You also get a cute rewards chart and a set of smiley-face stickers to help track your child's progress on not getting out of bed before they are supposed to...

Things I Love About the Sleep Buddy:

1.)  Its not ornate or flashy.  There are some similar products on the market, but they have pictures of animals, etc., that light up or move.  To me, that would be distracting to a toddler who is supposed to be sleeping.  The Sleep Buddy is simply a small light - no animals, no pictures, nothing to distract them from going to sleep.

2.) The Sleep Buddy lets you program naptime AND bedtime.  You don't have to reset it every time your child goes to sleep!  Just plug it in, set both times and you're done!

3.) It also has a dimmer control!  You can make it shine brightly for the child who is scared of the dark or dim the light if your child likes it darker!

4.)  It comes with a reward chart and suggestions for how to encourage your child to stay in bed!

If you'd like to purchase a Sleep Buddy for your little one, you can do so HERE.
"Like" Sleep Buddy on Facebook HERE.
Join Sleep Buddy on Twitter HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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