
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ozeri Turtlemeter Review

I've got an AMAZING review for all you moms and dads today!!!  You may remember my previous review of the Ozeri Kandle.  Well, Ozeri also has and INCREDIBLE digital item for your baby's bath - the Turtlemeter!!!

This little thing is SOOOO amazing!  I've seen several products that are supposed to test your baby/child's bath water, but none compare the the Turtlemeter!  I've used a few of those rubber duckies with the "HOT" disc on the bottom, but didn't like them.  First of all, you have to pick them up and turn them over to see what they say.  And half of the time I didn't trust the reading.  I've also seen some items that have a little alarm if the water is too hot.  But who wants a loud noise to disturb their baby!?!

The turtlemeter has no loud buzzers or alarms.  And you don't have to pick it up to read it!  Just place it in the bath water and it immediately begins to read the temperature!!!  It gives you a reading of the temperature ON TOP of the turtle (instead of underneath) and ALSO turns RED if the water is too hot, BLUE if the water is too cold, and GREEN if the water is just right!  How cool is that!!!

Now, as I've said before, I've used a few other "water temp devices" and was never really convinced that they worked well, so I immediately pulled this adorable turtle out of the package and put to it work!  And... IT WORKED!!!!!!  I was SOOOO impressed!!!  It also checks the water temp every second, so its keeping a contant check on the water!!!

If you'd like to check out the Turtlemeter (or the Duckymeter!) for yourself, you can find it on HERE.
You can check out all of Ozeri's products HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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