
Monday, September 21, 2015

"God Made All Of Me; A Book To Help Children Protect Their Bodies" BookReview

As a mom of three young kids, I often feel like I have this parenting thing down. At least, the baby part.  I mean, I've done it three times now. But as my oldest grows, I realize more and more that there are going to be some interesting challenges ahead.  One of those challenges is broaching the subject of child abuse.  We owe it to our kids to teach them that there are certain things that other people aren't allowed to do to them - like touch certain parts of their body.  Its awkward even writing that sentence, so you can imagine how awkward it is to talk about.  But it needs to be discussed.  And it needs to be handled appropriately.  Thankfully, the folks at GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) and New Growth Press have provided a book to help us parents out!

"God Made All Of Me: A Book To Help Children Protect Their Bodies"  was written to help you better broach this difficult subject with your little ones in a way they can understand.  I love the simple way this book explains this difficult subject.  It talks about what "private parts" are - giving the actual names.  But if you are not comfortable going that in depth with your child at the moment, the book also describes "private parts" as parts that are covered by our underwear or bathing suits.  The book also explains some typical child abuse strategies - which I found extremely helpful.  Many abusers tell their victim that the abuse is a "game" or that they can't tell anyone because its a "secret."  The book explains that these kinds of secrets are NOT OK.

The book also explains that our bodies are precious because they were made by God.  This is a wonderful foundation for this subject.

The beginning of the book contains a letter to parents from the authors, Lindsey Holcomb, MPH and Justin Holcomb, PhD.  It also contains a MIND-Blowing statistic: "One in four women and one in six men have been or will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime."  We need to arm our children with knowledge so that they don't become just another  statistic.

Finally, the end of the book has a list of "9 Ways to Protect Your Children from Sexual Abuse." This is another great help for parents!

If you have small children, GET THIS BOOK.  Get it right now!  I don't normally include tons of links in my reviews since its easy enough to google a book or simply search Amazon.  But this one is just too important.  So here are some purchasing links! You can purchase "God Made All Of Me" at:, and

Check out for more information on the book, the authors, and child abuse statistics.

Check out the GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) Facebook page.

I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from New Growth Press, in exchange for my honest review.

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