
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

"M Is For Manger" Book Review

You guys, Christmas is coming!!!  Ahhhh!!!!  I'm so excited!!!!  We love Christmas in our house!  We go ALL OUT!  Decorating, baking, Christmas movies, Christmas music, and Christmas books!  We love snowmen and reindeer and gumdrops.  But most of all, we love Jesus!  So we try our hardes to make sure that we keep the reason for Christmas very clear in our own minds and in our kids' minds.  That's why we love storybooks about the first Christmas!  "M Is For Manger" is a new favorite!

This adorable book tells the story of Christmas using the alphabet.  I've seen similar books, but they often tell the story in a jumbled way - not in chronological order.  Its often a forced attempt to get everything in alphabetical order.  "M Is For Manger" doesn't have that problem though!  They've managed to keep the letters in alphabetical order AND keep the story in chronological order!

The beginning of the book has a "How To Use This Book" page explaning the purpose of the book, along with a recommendation to read Luke 2 together as a family.  Each page has an adorable illustration for that letter, a short rhyme to tell that part of the story, and a Bible verse that coincides with that part of the story.  On of my favorite pages is "G is for Gift."  The coinciding verse is Ephseians 2:8, NIrV - "Your salvation doesn't come from anything you do.  It is God's gift."  This is a perfect description of the purpose of Christmas! And its a great way to steer the "Christmas presents" discussion back to the greatest present we will ever receive.

If you'd like a cute, fun Christmas book to read with your kids this Christmas season, Try "M Is For Manager."

I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from Tyndale Blog Network, in exchange for my honest review.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this beautiful review of my book. It's such a blessing to share my work with people like you. May God bless you as you share His love this season.
