So let's start with Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza.
As I mentioned above, I'd heard lots of people sing the praises of this game. But I'll be honest, I wasn't sure how I'd feel. I mean, its a super simple game. And since I'm currently on a "gameschooling" kick, I wasn't sure how Taco Cat would fair in a review. Would it have any educational value? Would it be challenging? Would it really be any fun? YES! YES! And YES!
I was completely floored by how much laughter this game brought! We had so much fun! It was easy to learn, but hard to master. And the added Gorilla, Groundhog, and Narwal cards add extra giggles! We played this game several times and NOT ONCE did we ever play without the game devolving into uproarious laughter!
So what about educational value? I mean, there's no math or anything in this game. So how can it add any educational value for gameschooling? Easy! It's a perfect stress reliever/restarter game! What does that mean? Well, as a homeschool mama I can tell you that some days are TOUGH. Maybe the math isn't clicking, or the phonics lesson is not going well, or everybody is just in a bad mood. It happens. And sometimes its REALLY HARD to get out of that difficult moment. Taco Cat is the perfect way to reset! Its fast, allows the kids to move and raise their voices a bit and its super hard to play it without bursting into laughter. Sometimes the value of a game is in the simplicity and the joy it brings! And Taco Cat definitely has GREAT VALUE!!!
The second game we received was Frog Pig Pug.
In Frog Pig Pug, you have to fin sets of 3 cards. There are 3 traits on each card: animal, number, and color. In order to have a "Pug" (Proper Unit Group), the cards have to be all the same or all different for each of those traits. I was surprised how quickly the kids caught on! Since we were playing with a 4 year old, we didn't play for speed. Instead, we just took turns. But it was still super fun and was able to get our brains working! And it was so much fun to watch the kids teach their daddy what counted as a set and what didn't.
So what do we think about Dolphin Hat Games? Well, we hope they'll create some more games soon! We've only had these games for a couple of weeks and they're already both favorites! They're quick, portable, and lots of fun! The kids (and mom and dad) request them often!
I received these games, free of charge, from Dolphin Hat Games, in exchange for my honest review.
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