
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Agree To Disagree Board Game Review

 In our current society, it can be really hard to disagree with someone without causing a huge argument. And board games can often cause disagreements too.  But what if there was a game all about disagree with other people? Well, now there is - Agree To Disagree, by Adam's Apple Games! But in this fabulous game, you're looking for someone to disagree with because that's how you score points!

Let's take a look...

Agree To Disagree is a card game that plays 2 to 8 players and takes about 10 to 25 minutes to play.  Its simple enough for younger children to play, but fun enough for a table full of adults!

What I love about the game:

1.) The concept! - In a world where disagreeing with others is often seen as the worst thing you can do, this game is a fabulous way to practice disagreeing respectfully.  In fact, the whole goal of the game is to find someone you disagree with!

2.) The versatility! - Disagreement is still a tense subject, so the game has very basic categories and you can decide how tense you want the game to be.  For example, if the category is "animals, " the mod for that particular round can choose to make it a pretty tame round and just say that the topic is "cats." In that case, you're just deciding if you like cats or not. OR they can choose to make the topic more controversial, like "I think people that don't spay or neuter their cat should not be allowed to own a pet." Now, that discussion has the ability to be much more tense! 

3.) The game pieces! - Each player in the game gets one of these little game pieces. One side has a heart that represents agreeing with the statement or liking the named thing.  The other side has a heart with an "x" in it that represents disagreement or disliking. Everyone places their player piece heart side down, so no on else knows which side they chose.  If you find someone who disagrees with you, their piece and yours will fit together.  If they agree with you, the pieces won't fit together. It's a pretty brilliant design!

4.) The educational aspect! - As I mentioned, in today's society it’s often hard to disagree respectfully.  This game is a perfect way to practice that skill with your kids! (Or if you want a wilder time, play a little fast and loose with a group of adults!  Haha!)

If you like disagreeing with others or making your opinions known, then this game may be just the thing for you!

I received this game, free of charge from Adam's Apple Games in exchange for my honest review.

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