Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Sherlock Files Games (Volumes I-IV)

 I'm a huge fan of mysteries!  I love mystery books, mystery movies, and even mystery tv shows! So I was very excited when I found out that the fabulous people at Indie Boards and Cards had released an entire mystery series called The Sherlock Files!

The Sherlock Files is a set of 4 different games: The Elementary Entries, Curious Capers, Puzzling Plots, and Fatal Frontiers.  Each game plays 1-8 players, ages 14+, and takes approximately 60 minutes to play.

So here's what I like:

1.) The player count! - I love a game that can accommodate a wide variety of player counts! These games can be played solo, with 2 players, or all the way up to 8 players for a fun game night!

2.) Each game contains 3 mysteries! - These mystery-type games are usually one-time games. Once you've solved the mystery, you can't really play it again. because its already been solved.  But the Sherlock Files games give you THREE SEPARATE MYSTERIES in each box!  That's 3 times the fun in each box!

3.) They're cooperative! - I love cooperative games!  Instead of competing with other players, you're working with them to solve the mysteries!

4.) You don't have to get "every single thing" correct in order to win.  - There's a scoring point system based on the number of irrelevant cards you picked and the number of questions you answered correctly, so you can get a few things wrong and still win the game!

I received these games, free of charge from Indie Boards and Cards, in exchange for my honest review.

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