Friday, April 19, 2024

Galaxy Trucker Board Game Review

Ever thought of getting into the trucking business?  How about the interstellar trucking business? If this sounds like an intriguing business opportunity, then Galaxy Trucker, by Czech Games Edition may be just the game for you!

Let's check it out! 

Galaxy Trucker is a fun, wacky, fast-paced game for 2 to 4 players that plays in approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

Here's what we love about it!

1.) The design! - The box cover alone is enough to make me want to play this game!  It's cute; it’s colorful; and it’s engaging!

2.) The components! - Components can really make or break a game and Galaxy Trucker has really fun components!  Lots of little, fiddly pieces, including tiny astronauts and aliens!

3.) The rulebook! - The thing that frustrates me the most with a new game is a long, complicated rulebook.  It's especially frustrating to slog through a long, drawn-out rulebook only to find out that the game is rather simple to play. Thankfully, Galaxy Trucker's rulebook is engaging, fun, and well-thought-out. 

4.) The layered gameplay! - I love that the game has a "beginner's version!  This makes it so much easier to grasp the concept of the gameplay!  Once you're confident with the "learning" game, you can move up to level 2 and even level 3!  This means the game is fun and engaging for newbies and experienced gamers alike!  I love a game with that much versatility and replayability!

5.) The box! - Even though this game doesn't have a fancy box insert, it includes bags for the individual components.  And there's enough space for everything!  Sometimes, after punching all the cardboard components, I find it difficult to fit everything back in a game box nicely.  Thankfully, Galaxy Trucker doesn't have that problem. The box fits everything beautifully with a little room to spare!

If you like puzzley, tile-laying games, or if you're a fan of space-themed games, or if you just like a game full of good fun, this may be the game for you!

I received this game, free of charge from Czech Games Edition, in exchange for my honest review.

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