Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Wingspan Expansions Review

 One of my FAVORITE GAMES OF ALL TIME is Wingspan, by Stonemaier Games! The art is gorgeous. The gameplay is both fun and easy to learn. And the educational value is out of this world! So of course I had to have all of the expansions! (I purchased the European Expansion and received the Oceania, Asia, and Fan Art Pack expansions from Stonemaier Games for review). I've Already done reviews of the base game and the Fan Art Pack, so I thought it was time for a review of the whole lot!

Let's get started!

1.) Wingspan - the base game

As I mentioned earlier, I've already done a complete review of the base game, and you can check that out HERE. But just to summarize, Wingspan is a beautiful, engine-building game where you're seeking to attract the most beautiful birds to your system of wildlife preserves. 

As the game progresses, you gain points from the position of your birds, the eggs they lay, and the bonus cards.

2.) Wingspan - European Expansion 

As the base game focuses mostly on winged creatures from the Americas, the expansions have focused on other areas.  The first expansion released explored European birds. As with the base game, the birds in the European Expansion have special abilities.  

A new ability added to this expansion was the round end ability. This expansion also includes new, purple eggs! (The egg colors don't matter in the game, but having more colors to choose from just adds to the visual beauty of the game.) They've also added another card tray to this expansion - to help you keep control of the ever-expanding set of beautiful bird cards! As far as expansions go, this one is a great starting point, as it barely changes gameplay at all.

3.) Wingspan - Oceania Expansion

As the name implies, this expansion introduces birds from the Oceania Region (Australia, New Zealand, Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia). 

This set includes new, yellow eggs, new player mats, a new "wild" food type, and new bonus cards!  This expansion is a step up from the European Expansion, as it changes gameplay with the addition of the new food type.

4.) Wingspan - Asia Expansion

The Asia expansion is the most in-depth of all the expansions so far!  Along with the addition of beautiful, red eggs, this expansion adds duet tokens, duet end-of-round goal tiles, a birdfeeder board, duet and flock board, and a flock turn-order dial.  

Wingspan Asia can be played as an expansion to the base game. It can also add a 6th and 7th player to the original game. Or, you can play this as a stand-alone game with one or two players!  That's a whole lotta versatility!

5.) Wingspan - Fan Art Pack 

This last expansion may actually be my favorite!  While it doesn't add any new components other than new bird cards, it’s a FANTASTIC addition to your Wingspan game! 

The Fan Art Pack contains 255 cards with art created by Wingspan fans!  The birds on these cards come from the original game, plus all 3 regional expansions and were created in all sorts of artistic styles - from paintings, to origami, to cross stitch, to junk art! It's a fascinating and beautiful tribute to the Wingspan game and I LOVE that Stonemaier gave fans a chance to show off their artistic talents!

I don't often recommend game expansions.  In fact, I don't own many expansions.  I'm a "I'll play the base game and I'll be content" kinda gal. But I cannot recommend the Wingspan expansions enough!  Each one builds on the previous in complexity and fun! And each one is a fantastic addition to a Wingspan game night!

I received several of these games, free of charge from Stonemaier Games, in exchange for my honest review.

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