I recently found The Candy Cottage online and thought it was such a cool idea! So what is it, you ask? Well, its a no-bake, reuseable, washable gingerbread house! WHAT! :)
I LOVE to decorate a gingerbread house at Christmas! So much fun! In fact, there are times when I wish I could decorate one in the middle of the year. Well, now I can!
The Candy Cottage is the brainchild of two really creative moms! Not having time to do the baking required to make a traditional gingerbread house, they asked a local craftsman to build them a wooden one. Now they've taken their idea and manufactured it into this ADORABLE sturdy, plastic cottage!
This little house came in 6 simple, easy to assemble pieces...
Seriously. I'm not kidding when I say this thing is easy to put together. I timed myself and it took me THREE MINUTES! - That's it!!!
So what is so awesome about this cottage?
1.) You don't have to bake anything! (This is great if you aren't a baker or are short on time.)
2.) Its sturdy! (It won't collapse, like those gingerbread kits tend to do!)
3.) Its a money saver! (Since its washable and reuseable, its gonna save money in the long run!)
And the MOST AWESOME thing about this house - Its not just for Christmas!!! You can use this for all sorts of occasions!!! For example:
1.) Start a new birthday tradition with your little one! Decorate a birthday house with them each year!
2.) Decorate a house to celebrate Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Saint Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, the Fourth of July, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc...
3.) Grandma and Grandpa coming for a visit? Decorate a special house to welcome them!
4.) Is it raining outside and you have NO IDEA how to keep the kids busy? Decorate the Candy Cottage!
So many ideas!!! And the instruction booklet that they send with the cottage has pictures and lots of ideas! Here are a few:

A Birthday House
A Patriotic House
A Cool Beach House
If you'd like to check out Candy Cottage for yourself, you can do so HERE.
You can also "Like" the Candy Cottage on Facebook HERE. (And their FB page page has LOTS of photos of decorating possibilities!!!)
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.
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