Sunday, May 5, 2024

Autumn Card Game Review

Our family are big fans of card games.  We are particularly happy when we find games that play all 5 of us.  But sometimes hubby and I just want a 2-player game.  Or a couple of my kids feel like playing when no one else is available. So quality 2-player games are a must in our home.  That's why I'm so glad I found Autumn, by Devir Games!

Autumn is a 2-player game that is part of Devir's "pocket collection." It contains just 18 cards and plays in about 10 minutes. It also a part of Devir's "4 seasons saga," which also contains a game called Winter. (I'm assuming that Spring and Summer are forthcoming, and I can't wait!)

Here's what we love:

1.) The small size! - Autumn contains only 18 cards and a small rulebook, so its a very portable game.  Both the box and the area needed to play it are rather small, meaning that it can be played at a restaurant or in other confined spaces

2.) The gameplay! - This is a very simple game to learn.  On each turn, you're simply laying a card on top of an existing card, covering up at least one set of leaves. Your goal is to end the game with the largest area of connected leaves in your color in order to win. Since there are only 18 cards and 2 players, each player takes exactly 9 turns each game.  

3.) The strategy! - Even though this ais a very simple game to learn and the gameplay is very straightforward, it still involves quite a bit of thinking.  Can you place a card so that it divide's your opponent's largest grouping of leaves in half? You're constantly trying to help yourself and block your opponent at the same time.

4.) The simple design! - All though the cards are lovely, the game isn't flashy of overwhelming.  This makes it the perfect game for a relaxing evening with a friend or loved one.

5.) The play time! - The game is designed to be played in 3 quick rounds. Each round takes just a few minutes.  This means you can squeeze in a quick game at breakfast or lunch, before dinner or bed, or pretty much any time! You can also play over and over if you like!

6.) The solo mode! - Is your friend or loved one unavailable at the moment? No worries! There are THREE DIFFERENT ways that you can play the game solo and they've included those at the end of the rulebook!

If you're a fan or 2-player games; if you like a nice, relaxing card game, or if you love the colors of Autumn, then this may be the game for you!

I received Autumn, free of charge from Devir, in exchange for my honest review.

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